"A Very Fair Night Airsoft Battle"


Another night ops for the Brain Exploder as teams go up against each other and they are all wearing NVGs, will it be an even match? Watch the video... "A large group of night vision users set out on a night raid of the the enemy team but they are ready for us with NV Goggles, Laser and Illuminators. A back and forth breaks out with tracers flying all around. Confusion is at an all time high and things get tense."

AJ8 Night Mission: Color Night Vision!


Dan Hoene sent us a YouTube video link of airsoft night mission game with the video shown in full colour rather green night vision using a camera with really high ISO capability. Tracer BB rounds in the video also show who gets hit, including one who failed to call his and clearly caugh on video by Dandman Airsoft Videos... "Night footage from the AJ8 Militia Fraggo Mission. Shot under only ambient moon and skylight at 104,000-iso on a Sony A7s."

Godfather Airsoft Night Ops 20 July


Test your mettle in night games with this event being organised by Godfather Airsoft slated to be on the 20th of July... "The time has come.This is what you wanted Godfather is holding our night game at the outdoor now you can put all your Flashlights,Tracers,lasers,night vision and tracer rounds to the test. Please you must have boots and camos is a must Multicam,Woodlands,solids and digi's. Everyone also must bring a flashlight of some sort.

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