Ahjae TV tries the Tokyo Marui M870 Breacher with a stock gas tube installed. This is a powerful, compact airsoft shotgun ideal for close-quarters combat. Its gas-operated system delivers a smooth, rapid-fire experience with the satisfying sound of a pump-action reload. The innovative multi-shot capability allows for firing 3 or 6 BBs per trigger pull, while the compatibility with standard spring shotgun shells ensures easy access to affordable ammunition.
Task Force Vlogs review the Golden Eagle M870 Breacher airsoft shotgun if it is indeed a CQB master. The Golden Eagle M870 Breacher Tri-Shot is a gas-powered airsoft shotgun made mostly of metal with a polymer grip and pump. It has a tri-barrel design based on the M870 and fires 3 or 6 BBs per shot. It uses shotgun shells (3 included) and is compatible with most spring shells. Shells are loaded by hand or a speedloader and hold 30 BBs. It has sights, a shell holder, and a safety.
The Gessaba Channel shows the Tokyo Marui M870 Breacher that has an external power source, M4 magazine adapter and muzzle flash tracer. The Tokyo Marui M870 Breacher airsoft shotgun is a gas-powered pump-action dream for close-quarter battles. It combines a realistic metal build with the convenience of using standard shotgun shells, letting you choose between 3 or 6 BBs per shot. The gas system provides smooth pumping and rapid follow-up shots, plus the satisfying click-clack of a real shotgun.
Soland Speedsoft takes the Tokyo Marui M870 Breacher which is a favourite airsoft shotgun to use in CQB games. This airsoft shotgun is made of aluminum with a polymer textured grip and pumping handle. It comes with 30-round shells that can be fired in either 3-round bursts or 6-round bursts. The shotgun also features a removable gas well for easy reloading and a shell loading tube for storing extra shells. This shotgun is perfect for all airsoft players, from beginners to experienced players.
Airsoft CamMan goes into action with Tokyo Marui M870 Breacher Gas Shotgun that is HPA powered and he finds it to be a good performer... "Hold onto your helmets, you’re in for a fast paced one today. We’re at BattleStations CQB and I’m using a Custom HPA M870 Breacher Shotgun."
Maydaysan Airsoft finds the Tokyo Marui M870 Breacher Gas Shotgun to be the best shotgun for indoor gameplay... "Today we have some more clean airsoft shotgun gameplay, brought to you by, the Tokyo Marui M870 Breacher airsoft gas shotgun."
UN Company is the latest airsoft reseller that has the new Tokyo Marui M870 Breacher Shotgun in stock and are now taking orders. They are also having a KWC sale as they are offering them at super low prices on selected models... "Dear All! Is now offering crazy sale on KWC Airsoft, you can save up to max. US$50 on one Product, don’t miss the chance!
With the Tokyo Marui Festival happening this weekend, Saba-Navi reports about the actual release of two of their 2014 products that were revealed during the previous Shizuoka Hobby Show. Both the Tokyo Marui M870 Breacher and M&P9 Gas Blowback pistol will be fully on display this weekend. Read more about these products by clicking on the links below: