
Western Australia Airsoft Club Fundraiser For Gel Blasters For Western Australia


Gel Blasters For Western Australia

Gel Blasters are high in the agenda of the airsoft communities in Australia given that they can be used for recreational games in certain states and territories in the country. Airsoft guns and Gel Blasters are similar in operation and they differ only in terms of the projectiles used and the power. But since Gel Blasters have a foothold in the country, its expansion also bodes well for airsoft.

The Western Australia Airsoft Club Inc. is the most prominent organisation that is spearheading the legalisation of airsoft in their region as well as throughout Australia and launched a campaign to clarify the legal standing Gel Blasters. The club's Laurentiu Zamfirescu sent us news that they have an ongoing fundraiser on GoFundMe so they can get legal advice, which will entail money:

The sport of gel ball has seen a massive growth in Queensland, since it was first legalised three years ago. The sport has also made its way to Western Australia, however the legal classification of gel blasters in WA is not clear.

Advice from the Minister of Police and WA Police is that gel blasters, classified as toys in Queensland, are considered illegal firearms in Western Australia.

However, we are aware of cases when WA Police seized gel blasters from genuine sport participants and returned them afterwards, as well as court cases prosecuting sport participants under criminal firearms charges that were later lost by WA Police or withdrawn.

This discrepancy between the advice of the Minister of Police and the actions of WA Police and court outcomes does not allow the gel ball industry to flourish and the participants to enjoy the sport they love without fear of potential criminal prosecution.

Therefore, in order to advance and safeguard the sport of gel ball in WA, the Western Australia Airsoft Club Inc. has requested legal advice from Ross Williamson , Firearms Lawyer on a number of matters such as:

  • Classification of gel blasters under WA legislation;
  • Gel blasters case law;
  • Any difference in interpretation for blasters of various appearance, functioning and materials of construction;
  • Legal advice for gel blaster owners, retailers, field owners, game organisers, etc.;
  • Benefits from being a gel ball club member;
  • Legal advice regarding importation of gel blasters, parts and accessories, etc.
  • The Western Australia Airsoft Club Inc. intends to make this legal advice public for the benefit of the entire industry and gel ball community in the hopes of a similar development of the industry as in Queensland.

However, we need your support as this endeavour is beyond the Club's financial capabilities.

As of this writing, they have already achieved their objective of raising AUD3,000 which is great news. Whilst they have achieved the objective, we suggest to those who support the cause of the Aussies that they can still donate more to support their other legal and political lobbying for the legalisation of airsoft in Western Australia and eventually to whole of Australia. AUD3000 will not be enough and that is only allotted for the Gel Blaster legal clarification.

The airsoft and gel blaster communities in Australia will need your support as they still have a long battle ahead.  Help power them with resources they can use.

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