
30-Hour Island MilSim Event In OP: Rising Sun

Gungho Cowboy

The people behind Croatia's exclusive airsoft game site by Adriatic Airsoft Alfa, which is situated on an island called Mrčara, off the city of Split, are nearing finalisation of their latest event: OP: RISING SUN. This is a 30-hour milsim that will test the physical and mental abilities of players as they go to peaks traversing rocky terrain, battle it out on top to clear bunkers, go underground to find objectives, and search and destroy nuclear missiles as the world's superpowers ally together to fight rich multinational corporations and banking institutions and their army of highly trained mercenaries.

If you haven't booked your slot, which is very limited, you better do so now before the organisers "close the gates" as the event is set on the 13th to the 16th of September with some partying before summer officially ends in Europe.  The scenario below:

Year 2015. World economy crisis is finished. 3 biggest  world economic and military forces, USA, Russia and China formed an alliance and declared war against the biggest bank companies and multinational  corporations as they triggered the international economy crisis to increase their profit margins even more. Furthermore, their current foreign politics revolve around helping poor countries by financing their economy, food and health projects.

That agenda is not shared by the big multinational companies and bank corporations, so they decided to act. They founded a secret organization, WHITE SHADOWS, comprised of nuclear scientists and mercenaries, led by the former CIA operative. Their final goal – complete and absolute world domination, creating NEW WORLD ORDER. They want to build 3 nuclear missiles and deploy them without warning in  Washington, Moscow and Beijing. Through chaos and mayhem, they seek to rule the world, becoming the most powerful nuclear and military force.

For 2 years they were developing nuclear missiles and preparing for the ultimate battle. Now, the missiles are hot and White Shadows are ready for the global takeover. But, World Intelligence Agency  satellite discovered small level of radiation on deserted navy outpost, an island somewhere in the middle of the Mediterranean sea. USA, Russia and China governments give the "green light“ for their elite team – SILVER PHOENIX SQUAD. Their mission:  investigate and if necessary, use military force. They were transported  by stealth submarine to the hidden submarine pen near that island. Time is running out…

What's expected of this event is that all players are stuck in an island away from the main populace, having the whole place to themselves without worries about trespassing other areas. It's just a place for airsoft players managed by airsoft players and Adriatic Airsoft Alfa sure have the best site in the world. Since it's a former naval facility during the Yugoslav Republic, it has facilities that would complete and die-hard milsimer's dream. Bunkers, steep terrain, water-borne ops, labyrinths, tunnels, and rooms make playing on this island very unpredictable even for those who have already played there.

If you are bringing your SCUBA gear, there will be a scuba-ops so if you feel like a SEAL, as long as you're a certified diver, then try to your skill for sneak attacks from the water. Since there are steep areas, your stamina will be tested whilst going to an objective under fire.

All players are expected to be at the meeting place in Split by the 13th of September as the ferry departs for the island at around 0800H. Thursday will be familiarization of the place, briefing, and socialization among players and organisers. Friday will be the main day as game starts by 0900H and it'll be non-stop, having a dinner break by 1900H, then game resumes until 1500H the next day. Saturday evening will the event after party, if the players still have enough strength to party on. All players leave the island for Split by 0900H of 16 September.

Price for participation is 180EUR, which already includes transportation to the island, game fee,  use of facilities, 3 dinners, and free parking in Split for those who will be driving there. You may have to bring food for breakfast, lunch, and snacks, so you will have to bring your own provisions and you can order pre-order fish that you can grill. It'll be fresh out of the Adriatic Sea.

For game details, you can visit the official event website, but a lot of updates and discussions are posted their Facebook page.

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