
With Ammo Shortage, California Police Turn To Airsoft


For training purposes that is. No sense of having them patrolling around, or having their SWAT Teams kicking doors with guns with orange tips.  But what they are doing is sensible training-wise, as there's safety and costs savings with airsoft as compared to real bullets.

What A Way To Inspire Someone To Join The Army


Optimus Prime noticed two tweets, one of which came from Thumpy, and tasked me to investigate further on. The tweets were about a discussion thread at the US Army's Ask A Soldier Forum regarding airsoft.

Battlefield Multiplayer Features In BF4 Single Player Campaign


Finally, I get to sit down and write something about the upcoming Battlefield 4 FPS video game which is targeted to be released on the 29th of October 2013.

Can't Wait For These: Microbatteries That Pack A Wallop


I was reading some science news when this story published at Science Daily caught my eye with this opening paragraph about a breakthrough in battery technology "Though they be but little, they are fierce.

Hyperdouraku At The EA Biohazard Shooting Bar

Gungho Cowboy

Oh Japan! Where else in the world that you find airsoft, a popular video game in a bar that's actually named after the video game? The EA Biohazard Bar is the 2nd Season of the EA Biohazard/Resident Evil Bar that was set up in 2011 to commemorate the 15th Anniversary of the game made by CAPCOM.

HSP's New Disruptive Environments Chest Rig

Gungho Cowboy

Just when I thought that the Crye Precision Jumpable Plate Carrier is going to be my favourite Chest Rig for this year, along comes this new development from Haley Strategic Partners with their release of the HSP Disruptive Environment Chest Rig.

KWA & KRISS Arms Divorce: Quo Vadis KRISS Vector for Airsoft?


This is the biggest story in the airsoft community this year so far, the termination of the exclusive licensing agreement between KWA and KRISS Arms.

How Much Would Airsoft Games Cost In Real Warfare?


WE DO NOT KNOW (*with our collective shrug*).

Will Online FPS Team Tactics Work In Real Life?

Gungho Cowboy

It's definitely a good question as there are a lot of FPS gamers who also play airsoft and there's some annoyance among airsoft players about gamers who think the playing airsoft is the same as Call of Duty or Battlefield.

Tokyo Marui To Unveil New Innovation At The 52nd Shizuoka Hobby Show


With the 52nd Shizuoka Hobby Show just a little bit over a month ago, we anticipate  what new products that Tokyo Marui shall announce during the Show as this will set the pace of what will be coming out of the Marui workshops for the res

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