
Just For Kicks: Something To Prevent Negligent Discharge


WARNING: If your religion does not approve of what I am writing below, then do not click on the title to read further on. One of the known effects on religious nuts will be calling to their gods to bring fire and brimstone to this website, and the people behind the product that I am going to discuss. As for the case of one high-ranking politician in an airsoft-crazy country in Southeast Asia, the effect on him will be an acute case of plagiarism so I hope he doesn't get to read this.

Don't tell me that I didn't warn you.

The Mad Duo from Breach, Bang, Clear got the scoop of this new product from Off The Grid Concepts. Called the Dynamic Intervention Contraceptive Karrier (D.I.C.K.) OTG conceptualized the device for certain contingencies, "Ever had that awkward time where you don’t have a resilient condom carrier and realize your wallet isn’t enough? Too much wear and tear on your 'safety' mechanism? Have you ever been at the range and taken a bad shot you wish you could take back? Owning one of these has the potential to change your life as you know it."

I guess for those who fire blanks, they'll have no need for this product. But for those who are virile enough to play airsoft or operate in the real tactical environments, then this is a must have accessory to make sure that you have something ready to prevent some unwanted consequences if you have to use that gun that you lovingly protect. If you're female, something against negligent discharge for something you are not ready for yet.

Depending on your gear, the Mad Duo say that there will be IWB, OWB, and MOLLE versions for the DICK and it'll be useful tool if you're not manning your post. As for those with AIDS (Airsoft Inflicted Derangement Syndrome), that protective tool that  you use on the DICK can also be used as a muzzle cap to prevent a BB exiting the muzzle from a loaded airsoft gun in case of accidental firing. But of course, you need a quality condom that can withstand the impact of a BB.

And speaking of quality condom, you'll need something that you can muzzle that gun (whether that gun attached to you or your airsoft gun) with one hand so that your other free hand can hold it. No more awkward installation:

So keep safe and don’t be a dick.

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