ANA Releases Free Android Airsoft App
28 Dec 2011

Jérémy Walther, the president of the Association de Normalisation de l'Airsoft, sent us the news last 26 December of their latest application to help airsoft players for FPS calculation which you can install in your portable android gadgets. More on it below so better open you android market app to get this... "The ANA just released the Android Application called 'ANA Airsoft Tool'. With this app, you can:
- Convert FPS into joules and vice et versa;
- Easily check if an ocular protection is compliant to standards, and so designed for airsoft use; and
- Moreover, it is available in English and French. More languages could be added, we just need translators ! (so if you want to get involved, please email us at contact (at)
It is available for free here.
We currently are thinking to publish the application also on Apple Store (for iPhone/iPod Touch & iPad).
Please don't hesitate to send us your feedbacks at : contact (at)
Thanks a lot, and merry xmas (in late, but here in Alsace it is still Xmas on 26 december^^) and happy new year!
Yours truly,
Président de l'Association de Normalisation de l'Airsoft"