
Arms Magazine: The Tokyo Marui G36+ AEG


Arms Magazine: The Tokyo Marui G36+ AEG

Arms Magazine give their take on the third AEG from their "Plus" series, the G36+... "The Tokyo Marui Electric Gun Plus series, a standard type electric gun, is equipped with the “PLUS” system, which includes a FET circuit and is compatible with the company’s MS/Li-Po batteries. This series, known for its sharp and stable shooting response, has undergone aesthetic improvements and is gaining popularity as a survival game weapon. The third installment of the series, the G36C Plus, continues to be favored by users even after more than 20 years since its release. Its compact body, high rigidity due to the monolithic receiver, ambidextrous selector lever, and foldable stock for easy handling are some of its notable features."

Read the full review here and below is the video overview.

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