
Callsign Reach's Indoor CQB Loadout


Callsign Reach's Indoor CQB Loadout

Here is what Callsign Reach's MARS Kit or his indoor CQB loadout... "Nothing beats the cool factor of an all-black airsoft loadout. And while black gear isn't the most practical color for airsoft (because they don't blend into anything), they are very cool to use on indoor fields! In this video, Reach shows off his indoor CQB loadout, better known in 2135 as the MARS kit. Designed for short, high-intensity indoor airsoft games, the MARS kit is a streamlined version of Reach's outdoor loadout. High-speed CQB is the name of the game; less gear means you can move faster, keep a smaller profile, and perform competitively on the indoor field. And while this loadout isn't a speedsoft loadout, it does pull a little from the min-max speedsofter mentality... And it only comes in one color.

How do you lay out your indoor CQB loadout? What do you think of mine? What would you add?"

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