
Enhanced AttackSense ShooterID App Released


AttackSense ShooterID App

AttackSense, the company behind a reactive target system that works with wireless system for shooting practice and competition announce improvements to their ShooterID App that helps them in performance improvements and records history of runs for the shooter to evaluate performance over time. An interesting app, the ShooterID is available now to use. Press release below:

AttackSense enables viewing of leader-boards, personal improvement and run history from anywhere, with their enhanced ShooterID app.

AttackSense today released an enhancement to their wireless target system that enables shooters to view previous runs, performance gains and current leader-board positions in their AttackSense ShooterID app. Range operators can now enrol in AttackSense's cloud services for free, allowing information to be uploaded centrally and enabling features that benefit both shooters and range operators.

"Feedback on social media and at events we've attended frequently points to shooters wanting to track their performance and keep tabs on their current leader-board positions away from the range, and this latest improvement now makes that possible" says Neil French of AttackSense. "We know our interactive digital displays when used at sites have a big impact on engaging shooters waiting for their turn, and this extends the competitive atmosphere out beyond their time on the range".

ShooterID is AttackSense’s mechanism for quickly enrolling shooters into a range, using QR codes that uniquely identify a shooter across any AttackSense system. ShooterID codes can be generated by the range operator or by shooters themselves in the ShooterID app.

The new system works through range operators enrolling into AttackSense's ShooterID portal, which sets up a secure connection between the range and AttackSense's cloud services. Ranges that aren't always connected to the Internet can still use the system as data is stored locally and pushed to the service when the tablet running the AttackSense Commander app is periodically connected to an Internet network.

With this first release shooters can view and diagnose previous shoots, view their relative leader-board positions and track their improvement over time through the AttackSense ShooterID app, available now on Android and shortly on IOS. Shooters can view visits to every AttackSense system, so as more ranges enrol into the system shooters will see their improvements over multiple sites in a single view. AttackSense plans to grow this capability over time with more exciting features that will develop inter-site competitive frameworks and improved performance diagnostics.

The benefits for range operators are significant, competition amongst shooters not only leads to more range time but also encourages shooters to improve in order to climb the ranks. For more formal training environments, the AttackSense ShooterID portal enables Range Officers to review performance and diagnose all aspects of a single run away from the range, allowing more in-depth analysis without tying up range time. In competitive practical shooting tournaments, scoring is often laborious, time consuming and leads to downtime on the range. ShooterID can simplify the registration process, negate scoring complexity and errors, and provide real-time visibility of participant rankings leading to faster paced and more engaging competitions.

For more information visit, or for existing AttackSense system owners, visit to enrol.

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