
PayPal To Stop Crowdfunding Protection


Before you open your PayPal account and help fund a project you like on a crowdfunding site such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo, or GoFundMe, better think twice before clicking that "Pay/Send" button. By the 25th of June 2016 amendments to the PayPal User Agreement will include "Payments on crowdfunding platforms" as not eligible for buyer protection.

Here is their statement:

"In Australia, Brazil, Canada, Japan, United States and certain other countries, we have excluded payments made to crowdfunding campaigns from our buyer protection programs. This is consistent with the risks and uncertainties involved in contributing to crowdfunding campaigns, which do not guarantee a return for the investment made in these types of campaigns. We work with our crowdfunding platform partners to encourage fundraisers to communicate the risks involved in investing in their campaign to donors."

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