
Proposed Ordinance In The City Of Baltimore Calls For Ban Of Replica Guns


For airsofters in Baltimore and the general airsoft community in Maryland, it’s time to move into action to preserve their beloved hobby. If the proposed Ordinance in the city gets approved, ownership of replica firearms, airsoft included, will be banned.

Filed by the District One Councilman Jim Kraft last September 19, File # 16-0761 is now on first reading and is titled as “Police Ordinances - Replica Gun Ban For the purpose of prohibiting the possession of replica guns in Baltimore City; defining a certain term; making replica guns subject to seizure and forfeiture; establishing the procedures for seizing and forfeiting replica guns; imposing certain penalties; and generally relating to replica guns.” It defines “replica gun” as “any toy, imitation, facsimile or replica pistol, revolver, shotgun, rifle, air rifle, B-B gun, pellet gun, machine gun, or other simulated weapon, which because of its color, size, shape, or other characteristics, can reasonably be perceived to be a real firearm.”

The bill was filed by Councilman Kraft as a reaction to a recent incident in which a teen died of gunshot wounds when he was shot by Ohio Police for holding a replica firearm and also to a similar incident in Baltimore in April where a 14-year old boy carrying a spring-BB gun was shot and injured by the police.

The proposed city ordinance is fast getting support from various political leaders and is expected to be passed in December. If indeed it gets approved as an Ordinance, Baltimore follows New York City, Chicago, and Washington D.C. in putting restrictions to owning replica firearms.

For violations, the offender will be given a citation and the replica firearm seized. A third time violation will result into a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of US$1,000 and/or 30 days in jail.

So far, we have not heard of any effort by the local airsoft community to block the proposed Ordnance from reaching the Mayor’s desk. Previously, the Maryland airsoft community successfully campaigned against SB742 and HB879 in the State legislature that aimed for prohibition of imitation firearms, and were withdrawn by their authors.

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