
Support Local Airsoft Retailers Campaign


We just arrived in the Philippines a few hours ago, so we're organizing ourselves here and setup some semblance of operations for Popular Airsoft. We are escaping the cold weather to be in the tropics where can have more airsoft action and most probably we'll be with the Red Wing MilSim group this Saturday and attend a Firearms Expo at one of the largest of shopping malls in the world.

Anyway, as we try to acclimatize ourselves, here's something that is slowly being reported and Thumpy's Scoop.it Page have led us to the campaign of Airsoft Simulations for airsoft players to support local airsoft retailers. It is indeed a noble mission to have more business for the local airsoft retailers even if there is convenience in finding the best deals online.

Always remember this, all airsoft is local. At the end of the day, even if you buy your airsoft guns and gear from somewhere else, the way you will play airsoft will be local as the nearest airsoft field will always be your first in the list. So why not support the airsoft retailer in your area? The benefits is that a portion of the money you spend will remain in the locality you belong to, thus helping keep jobs and supporting business.

Even us, our principle is support the local ones, and only go for the non-local ones if the item we want is not available with the local retailer.

But still, market forces will always play a big factor in this and at the same time how an airsoft retailer will relate with the local customers. As long as the customers are treated well, prices are competitive, and stocks are always ok, then the business will come in for the local retailers. This should not be a excuse to be complacent for having the local airsoft market all by themselves, as someone with better service and prices will always steal the business.

So support your local airsoft retailer that treats you right.

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