
Tactical Intervention FPS Game Finds A New Home In Steam

Gungho Cowboy

Whilst StarCraft is the most popular multiplayer game played by professional video game players in the world, CounterStrike is the next most popular, but the one of the most enduring FPS video games ever having stayed strong as a favourite game of many FPS players around the world until now even if there were no new titles released. StarCraft's next title was released 11 years and Counterstrike, which is the most successful video game mod (being a Half Life Mod) is getting its second coming, albeit not the way we expected it to be.

The co-creator of CounterStrike, Minh Le, decided to write develop a new video game after leaving Valve when CounterStrike 2 failed to take off.  After trying to put up his own game development crew with no funding or support in North America, he decided to move to South Korea after he found someone willing to fund his project. Since CounterStrike is still a massively popular video game title in South Korea, just the mere mention of the co-creator would generate interest and  potential funding.

Moving forward from where CounterStrike left off, Minh Le started developing Tactical Intervention in 2009. There are more features in Tactical Intervention that's not seen in other video games, such as riot shields, rappelling, highway chase, and canine. After being taken up by OG Planet for publishing, the video game was launched in the 28th of March 2013 as a free to play game. However, support for Tactical Intervention was pulled as the game servers were taken off for the lack of an active player base.

There are many things to like about Tactical Intervention such as the hostage rescue or capture. But I guess the lack of a story to make it a compelling video game, especially with the biggest FPS titles are using the single player campaign and online multiplayer gaming formula to large degrees of successes that Tactical Intervention still needs to do its homework to be able to retain an active player and community. Tactical Intervention is  a pure multiplayer game just like CounterStrike, but CounterStrike was a mod of a highly successful video game with a well received story, Half Life.

We won't be missing Tactical Intervention for long though as Steam has picked up the game for an online release this August, the 22nd of August to be exact.  Steam may just use its marketing muscle and customer base being the home of the Call of Duty Series for multiplayer gaming. I wonder though if  there will be bots to shoot at if I want to play the game offline.

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