Maydaysan Airsoft's Tokyo Marui AKM GBB Build


Maydaysan Airsoft talks about this Tokyo Marui AKM Gas Blowback Rifle build, which means he has put some upgrades and enhancements for even better performance. Unfortunately, YouTube demonitised this video, which means it cannot earn via add placements... "This is my Tokyo Marui AKM. And This AKM has had upgrades. And This AKM is demonetized."

Tokyo Marui AKM Gas Blowback Rifle Power Up


Ollie Talks Airsoft does some toying with his Tokyo Marui AKM Gas Blowback Rifle for even better performance. Watch his video how he does it... "Ive been messing with my Tokyo Marui AKM mags to see if I can get more recoil, a better rate of fire, or more power, lets see how I do!"

Yi Workshop's Tokyo Marui AKM GBB Review Part 2


Yi Workshop comes to a conclusion if the Tokyo Marui AKM Gas Blowback Rifle is something they want to bring to a game... "This is a good question. I think the weight is probably the most unsatisfactory part of the current use. Of course, this is not entirely the pot of TM AKM. Although the original factory settings are not light, but after replacing all kinds of modern tactical accessories, The weight is heavier, do you have any good solutions?

BESTA Airsoft's Tokyo Marui AKM GBB Modern Build


BESTA Airsoft kitted out a Tokyo Marui AKM Gas Blowback Rifle with Zenitco accessories to bring it to the 21st Century. Is it something to your taste or would prefer just its original, classic look? Watch the video... "As promised the video regarding the modernization of the Tokyo Marui AKM GBB. It is aggressive, big, and beautiful."

Yi Workshop On The Tokyo Marui AKM GBB Rifle


Yi Workshop gives his take on the Tokyo Marui AKM Gas Blowback Rifle as he finally gets to lay his hands on one... "This is the first time I end up with an AK-type toy gun. No matter how much practice I usually do, some things will not know where the problem is until I actually end the game. Especially when using different types of tools, my muscle memory is really rusty."

Timerzanov Airsoft: Tokyo Marui AKM GBB Rifle


Timerzanov Airsoft gets to have the chance to give his take on the Tokyo Marui AKM Gas Blowback Rifle... "Hello everyone ! FINALLY ! So here it is this review of the AKM Tokyo Marui GBBR that I've been waiting for so long to make you the video. I therefore advise you to sit down and discover with me this replica of the AKM Tokyo Marui! Good video !

BB2K Airsoft At IWA 2022: Bolt AKM & MP5 SWAT-A4 TAC BRSS


More videos from Bruce of BB2K Airsoft taken from IWA Outdoor Classics 2022 and in this video, he visits Free Shot which handles the distribution of BOLT Airsoft products in Europe and he checks out the AKM and MP5 SWAT-A4 TAC BRSS AEGs... "At the FREE SHOTS SRL stand we took a look at the BRSS Recoil products from Bolt Airsoft. The AKM has a rich recoil that even excited me as a GBB fan. That wriggles properly in the shoulder.

Tokyo Marui AKM GBBR Gas Efficiency Test


The GBB Enthusiast tests the gas efficiency of the Tokyo Marui Gas Blowback Rifle in semi and full auto modes... "Unfortunately, I have only 1 mag since they’re sold out everywhere and I’m only able to test the mag that came with the gun.

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