Bradley Phillips checks a gas blowback gel blaster in the form of a machine pistol, the MAC-11 Gas Blowback Gel Blaster from Well Fire... "In this video I take a look at the new Wellfire MAC-11 Gel Ball Blaster sent to me thanks to iHobby here in Australia. This is a CO2 powered, gas-blowback replica with a 45 shot ammo capacity."
It is the Gold MAC-11 and Garand Thumb tries it to find out how it spits out lead faster than you can say momma. Designed by American firearm designer Gordon Ingram in the 1970s, the MAC-11 is a machine pistol that fires the smaller .380 ACP round.
Administrative Results had fun shooting this MAC-11. Find out more in this episode... "This Modern MAC-11 was a blast to run and gun despite in my opinion its impractical accuracy in the rapid fire setting past like 30 yards. I don't have much love for the MAC-11 but I still admire its simplistic design and aggressive nature. Also thanks to my good friend Bajo for letting me borrow this bad boy!"
Fulcrum posted a video showing his conversion of his WELL MAC-11 Gas Blowback Machine Pistol to use HPA as power source... "Welcome back to Project MAC, this time I'm plumbing this WELL MAC-11 GBB Machine pistol for HPA in an attempt to make this gun more reliable and flexible. The biggest problem I face with this #airsoft machine pistol is that there is only a few days in the year which are warm and dry enough (at least in the UK) for this gun to work properly.
This is the first of Fulcrum's Project MAC with the WELL MAC-11... "Recently I decided to give my beloved WELL MAC-11 #airsoft GBB a well deserved overhaul. I haven't had much use of this #airsoftgun as it's a really fussy thing when it comes down to the gas efficiency, in the stinking hot it works fine but even if it gets slightly damp, it won't cycle correctly and the range diminishes. To fix the gas problem I've bought some bits, you'll find out soon what they are.
The Airsoft Base got a malfunctioning Tokyo Marui so decided to take it apart and repair it... "Tokyo Marui's MAC-11 Blowback has stopped working (^^; It doesn't work at all, but when I insert the battery and pull the trigger, the motor makes a sound of spinning, but it does not blow back and does not fire. Since it is a good idea, I decided to disassemble it and tried to repair it. * If it is disassembled or processed, it may not be possible to receive manufacturer support.
Some slow-mo goodness with this footage of the WELL MAC-11 GBB being fired in this Whiskey Tango Foxtrot video... "Here's round 2 with the WELL MAC-11 GBB machine pistol airsoft gun recorded EVEN SLOWER! The MAC-11 GBB machine pistol made by WELL airsoft shoots at 300FPS with 0.2g 6mm BBs and is capable of firing at an astonishing 1200 Rounds Per Minute average, sometimes closer to 1800RPM!
Just listen to the sound of that, it's sweet. Airsoft Mike checks out the WELL G12 MAC-11 CO2 Blowback Machine Pistol in this video... "This the WELL G12 Mac-11 CO2 Blowback powerhouse! It's compact, famous in movies and games, but how does this Airsoft version compare? Join me as I take it through its paces!"
RA-Tech announce the availability of their body upgrade kit for the KSC M11A1 GBB Machine Pistol. This is based on the MAC-11, which is a more compact version of the Ingram MAC-10 SMG. Whilst the KSC is mainly made of plastic, the RA-Tech Kit is metal and also has markings engraved.
If you have forgotten that Western Arms released an Ingram M11 Machine Pistol, we don't blame you. Released 20 years ago, it was a better one over the Maruzen M11, which was the first to be released to the market. What we like about the Western Arms is that it is much accurate, comes with a silenceer, and a 50-round magazine. Mach Sakai gets this hands on one for another review of this oldie but goodie.