Radio Basics For Airsoft & Prepper Use


Still grasping on how to properly use radios for airsoft? Adjacent Prepper got this video showing the basics for airsoft use. You can check his other videos testing radios, especially the Chinese-made Baofeng... "Part 1 of 2 covers the different types of radios available, licensing, and range."

Condor MCR6 Chest Rig Setup


Adjacent Prepper shows his chest rig setup featuring the MCR6 from Condor Outdoor... "Going over how I have my chest rig setup. Primarily for airsoft, but also usable for the zombie apocalypse, WW3, Civil War 2.0, or just in case the British come looking for their back taxes."

"Why Preppers Should Airsoft"


Adjacent Prepper recommends that the prepper community should look into airsoft as part of their training. He explains why in this video... "Obviously it's not perfect training, but unless you're in the infantry or having a very bad day, it's the only opportunity most of us will have to spend 6+ hours running in gear shooting at people while getting shot at."

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