Tap Rack Tyler shows his setup and some tips for you when considering a kit to for a fighting load with when SHTF... "Recently I had the pleasure of having my good friend Taylor who is active duty out at the range to train together, I asked him to bring his full ‘fighting loadout’ to do a video of it. He goes over his full kit setup in the video, as well as the reasons he chose certain brands and items, and why he runs them.
Tap Rack Tyler talks about setting up your belt kit and the possible options you can to reconfigure it... "It’s nice to see different options and different perspectives on kit. I was lucky recently to have my good friend Lee from @BearlyTrainingCo bring a few of his different belts and go over why he set them up the way he did. If you have any questions make sure to comment."
Tap Rack Tyler shows the chest rig setup he recommends to civilians this year... "If you own a rifle, you should own a chest rig in my opinion. It is a great way to have quick and easy access to your essential items. Find out what I run and why I run them in this Complete Chest Rig Setup And Review."