
Time To Meet A Player Called Ink


(Editor's Note: This is written by Aquila for Fox Actual) The day I met her, I remember Fox pointing towards her and saying, “That’s Ink. You should go talk to her. She’s one of our female team members.” I was intimidated and amazed.

There she was, laughing along with the guys in her Navy cap. Hair in a long braid, MP7 in hand and dog tags hanging around her neck. Here was a woman not bigger than I was, handling firearms and being greeted and treated by other team members as if she was their little sister. They hugged her and poked fun at her, and she’d reply almost as obnoxiously in kind.

That day, we celebrated her birthday. For one mission, they gave her a sort of birthday scenario where she had unlimited lives and went up against the others with much fewer people on her team. She managed to climb atop one of the metal crates in the warehouse. I couldn’t even spot her when I went in to take photos. One by one, the others would shout they were hit, many being vocal about their frustration with not being able to find her.

Teammates describe her to be "mabait" (kind). She really is. She’s a sweet one, having giggled through most of Pacific Rim (2013). She also lights up at the thought of having apple pie (“I’m a pie monster!” she proclaims) or leche flan for dinner.

She’s also described to be hardworking, as she does not stop no matter how hard the mission is, nor did her focus waiver while she was on her way to becoming an official team member. She’s admired for her determination, dedication, and passion. Around three months after I met her, she was raised to the level of a Redwing Frog. To commemorate this achievement of hers and the team’s, I interviewed her.

Ink with her Team Redwing patch. Photo c/o Trix.

Can you tell us briefly about yourself? Like your life outside of airsoft.

I grew up in a countryside, which figures why I love the outdoors. Hiking was an adventure for hunting food and whatever fruits we could get in the wild. We camped with coconut leaves as roofs for tents. The best part was the war games we’d play in the afternoon. Back then, I was well-armed with a bamboo stick gun, which we called "luthang". We would use either wet paper or grated papaya as ammo. I would have to sneak out and escape through the window of my room to play with the boys or else my mother would scold me for not taking my siesta (afternoon nap). These are the fun memories of my childhood that I cherish.

Living away from my parents is living a life on my own. It has helped me realize that there’s just so much out there. If I had the money, I wouldn’t be here answering this interview and you’d probably have to chase me somewhere in Greece. (Hahaha!)

Outside airsoft, I have a fast-paced life. I work for a software company where I’m with the business development and strategic planning team. What I think I do however, is that I receive missions then plan how to assault the enemy and complete the objective while part of the strategy is to hide my identity as a model. (Haha!) Crazy, right?

She models sometimes. Photo c/o Dojo Fotogram.

So when did you get into airsoft and how?

It was around a year ago when I first met Freon. I told him I have been dreaming to play airsoft for awhile now. So he introduced me to a team called Redwing

Could you explain your callsign?

Ink! I love tattoos! They are reflections of who I am. Whenever I see myself in the mirror, I am reminded of how far I’ve come from my old self.

Ink’s first time.

Do you remember the first time you played? What was it like?

Oh yes! I was so excited that I didn’t know what to do. In the first scenario, I buddied up with Freon and when the Marshall shouted for us to put our masks down, I thought to myself, “Okay! That’s the cue!” Freon instructed me to do something that I didn’t understand. So there I was hiding in the corner holding an MP7 when suddenly a guy came up to me and said “Ma’am, hit na kayo. Knife kill na kita”. He was pointing his gun at me and I was looking at him wondering “What just happened?”

What was your first impression about airsoft? Did it change as you kept playing? How so?

Back in Davao (province in Southern Phiippines), my officemates had this airsoft club. I was really interested in what they were playing and I thought they were only using pellet guns. It sounded fun to me. When I got to really know what airsoft really is, my perception drastically changed. Seriously, when I met Redwing, I was wowed by their beliefs and passion for airsoft. Not to mention all the gear. I thought, “OMG They’re so cool!”

As time goes by, you have to be adaptive and responsive. I have played in different sites that have different rules of engagement, and with different players. Yes, there are times when it’s difficult to apply the approach you know and we whine about it. But maybe it’s just how we incorporate things. Not all of us are aligned with our goals in playing. Embrace change, but don’t lose your values.

With Team Redwing at Recondo II.

What kept you in the hobby?

Redwing has inspired me in many ways. I could have missed one half of my life if I did not meet them. I almost came to the point of just walking away from the group and quitting airsoft, but they never let me down. Sometimes, you bump into people who will unfold you into what you really are and hey, you cannot turn your back on something you love!

Congratulations by the way on becoming a Frog! Can you tell us about your experience at Recondo II?

Thank you! Glad I had my orientation on how the major ops basically go at the Tango Echo Echo event. With that, Recondo 2 was no longer as dreadful as my first time. Having the team with me, I always feel invincible.

It was another awesome FTX (Field Training Exercise). It was a glimpse of what real soldiers do when they are deployed and we were privileged to experience it. I can’t imagine how arduous and perilous their job is. One single mistake and you’ll be killed and that’s the end of you! No zombie, no second life, no next scenarios.

Since you now have the bragging rights and a patch to prove it, do you think being a frog will change the way you play and act?

With that, now I can troll people! Bwahaha! Kidding aside, I know for a fact that there’s a lot I need to learn. I wanna be better. I wanna prove to myself that hey, I can tactically do what these guys can. I never think being a woman would make me an exemption. I’m one of the boys.

What should tadpoles keep in mind if they want to become frogs?

I would understand that we have our different levels of fun and contentment in playing airsoft. Becoming a frog takes a lot of effort and self-motivation. I guess that’s one of the challenges. I had turned down a few commitments to attend training, but it was my choice to. “If there’s a will, there’s a way” indeed! When you are sincere with what you want, you work for it, you put your heart into it and dedication will follow. After all, it is what you want that is at stake.

What should frogs keep in mind when they finally achieve this status?

Never be too proud. Yes, knowledge and experience will make you fearless, but humility will come a long way.

What’s the most difficult part for you about this sport?

I royally suck at shooting people! Hahaha And then they will bully me ‘cause of that. Haha! No matter how perfectly zeroed my gun is. I really have to do something about it or maybe have my eyes checked.

What’s the longest you’ve gone without a shower?

Thank God it was just one day! Wet wipes and alchohol are always must-haves or else you’ll hate yourself the next day, smelling like ewwww. Hahaha!

Loca and Ink having lunch.

What’s the best thing you’ve eaten while at a MilSim?

I swear, when you’re out in the jungle, everything tastes so good, especially the tactical San Marin Tuna Paella! But I found a new love now. Hmmmm… MRE’s! It is such a joy to open an MRE pack! I can’t wait to buy a whole box of them!

Are you willing to tell us of the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while playing? If so, do tell.  :)

Uhm… Being dragged during the CQB because I was losing my focus. Is that embarrassing enough?

Are you going to be upgrading your gear?

Which reminds me! I just broke the headset of my radio! The Destroyer in me strikes again–that’s my other callsign. Haha. I have to agree it’s an expensive hobby. Like way, way more expensive than buying shoes! I won’t be surprised if Toy Soldier will be my favorite place to shop!

What’s next for you?

Gosh, to be honest, I really don’t know and that makes me more excited! I normally dislike surprises, but right now, the feeling is good. It’s really good. I’m keeping my hopes up! Game face on! Hooyahh!

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