
The Bug-A-Salt 2.0 Now Comes In Camofly To Blast Flies Effectively


Over two years ago, we wrote about the Bug-A-Salt, which is what we call as the ultimate weapon in the Total War On Bugs, in this case, against the pesky housefly. The invention helps in eliminating flies in the home without resorting to chemicals and instead uses the ordinary table salt as ammo. It was such a fun and effective device that its Indiegogo campaign that it raised over half a million dollars, way, way over the inventor's target of US$15,000.

Even with that cash hoard, the Bug-A-Salt went back to Indiegogo to raise funds for their Bug-A-Salt 2.0 Camofly Edition with a target funding of US$50,000 which was already achieved as of this writing. We don’t know if they really need the money, but what I think what they're after is feedback, and see how their customers on Indiegogo.com would react to another Bug-A-Salt version. Well, I guess the feedback is good as they have achieved the funding goal with 25 days to go.

The Bug-A-Salt 2.0 Camofly Edition, comes with its own camo pattern, obviously. Perhaps not as effective as the camo patterns that we’re used to airsoft, but it's all in theme of the perpetual war against flies. But what really is important are the upgrades that makes the Bug-A-Salt 2.0 more effective than the original as shown in the image below:

Apart from those upgrades, what attracts us to the Bug-A-Salt is that it is a non-toxic fly killer and actually doesn't leave a mess as the dead fly remains intact for easy removal and cleaning. It is also cost-effective as it uses cheap and readily available table salt. It doesn’t require batteries, just your quick pump-action skills to make sure that no fly can escape death once you aim and shoot at it. Also, you can easily reach hard to reach corners and ceilings, especially with increased power and range.

If you want to pledge, there are various perks offered by Lorenzo Maggiore, its inventor, including the package deal of getting Bug-A-Salt 2.0 in its original color and the Camofly. An added benefit of getting the Bug-A-Salt is that 5 dollars of your purchase is also set aside for the support of veterans.

The Bug-A-Salt 2.0 Camofly Edition can be found on the Indiegogo and the crowdfunding campaign ends March 7, 2015.

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