
Ai Magazine Sept. 2012 Issue


Latest issue of Airsoft International Magazine now out... "I had lined up a more positive and up-beat intro to this copy of Ai, especially as we have made it a bit of an “H&K Special” with three officially licensed guns reviewed inside, but something else has thrust itself into the equation and it’s about as welcome as a stripped piston in the middle of a firefight. I try not to focus on the immediate locality I’m in due to Ai’s far reaching readership, but I’m going to have to make an exception here since I think a hugely pertinent issue has been raised, and that issue is of theft. The unlawful taking of another person’s property.

Thanks to the power of Facebook we as a magazine are able to keep in touch with over 10,000 of you readers, but as individuals we are able to keep in touch with our airsoft buddies from all over. I was recently dismayed to read not one, but two reports of a fellow airsofter’s house being broken into and extensive lists of airsoft guns and equipment being taken and frankly, it disgusts me. Prior to now, I can only recall one instance of a theft of airsoft equipment and that was when an unattended M4 went missing after being left on the other side of a site for a while. This is totally different. Somebody house has been broken into, in TWO instances, and airsoft guns have been taken."

Read the full editor's blog entry for this issue.

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