
Airsoft Sports: LCT Airsoft LCK74MN AEG


Airsoft Sports: LCT Airsoft LCK74MN AEG

A brief overview of the LCT Airsoft LCK74MN AEG that is available at Airsoft Sports, an airsoft retailer based in Russia... "The AK-74 was developed by Timofey Kalashnikov in 1970 based on the AKM. The reason for the development of the AK-74 was the need to create weapons for the new low-impulse cartridge 5.45x39 mm. In 1974, the assault rifle was put into service. The design changes have brought a new level of reliability and accuracy. The machine gun passed its baptism of fire during the war in Afghanistan and is still in service with the RF Armed Forces."

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