
Hyperdouraku At The Tokyo Toy Show 2015


Hyperdouraku was at the International Tokyo Toy Show 2015 to visit the Tokyo Marui booth and check the product that would be probably be ignored by the adult airsoft players. This is about the "Train Gun" that is actually marketed to kids and is a very safe to use airsoft gun-cum-toy train. It does not use plastic BBs but a more custom foam pellets that when fired, the human target won't experience any pain or even notice he/she gets hit. It has wheels that when the trigger and pistol grip and front end are folded into the toy train, it becomes a normal-looking and perfectly harmless toy train.

Whilst it's not marketed to adults, they are always welcome to buy for their own use. We all have our inner child, just look at all those adults running in the field with big toy guns.

Read the full report here and below is the video presentation (in Japanese):

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