Jing Gong T3 SAS-G AEG At Softair Zone
02 Oct 2022

Softair Zone goes over the features of the compact Jing Gong T3 SAS-G AEG that they have available... "Today we introduce you to the T3 SAS-G from Jing Gong. It is a replica Airsoft which can be sold from 14. The replica is a replica of the G3 SAS built for the British SAS Commandos.
As always, JG delivers an ABS model which is robust and durable. The gearbox also delivers good average food for the unbeatable price, which allows the player to play the model for a very long time With the V2 Gearbox you have almost unlimited tuning or spare parts available.
In general, all T3 models are very popular and known to last a long time. The hop-up in the Rotary design is pretty neat out of the box."