RedWolf Airsoft: The Poor Man's Chronograph


This article is already 20 years old, nevertheless RedWolf Airsoft reposts this article on using a Coke Can for a Poor Man's Chronograph if there is no chronograph available to use... "Not everyone can afford a chronograph to test how much juice their favorite airsoft pistol or AEG has. Even after lots of modifications you wonder how much velocity you're really getting. Well you don't necessarily need to dish out several hundred dollars for a chronograph. In most cases, a simple soda can is all you need to gauge those major power milestones.

Surplus Store On Airsoft Chrono


Surplus Store UK blogs about airsoft chrono machines which should be good for beginners and for veterans who may need a refresher course on Airsoft 101... "A vital accessory that is often overlooked by many new players, a chronograph (chrono) is an essential part of every players’ arsenal. Often, when starting out, it can be easy to put off buying one of these guys as sites will often have one you can use; or your local store will have one out the back. Either way, it can be easy to neglect the need to pick one up for yourself.

Xcortech X3200 MK3 Review


Airsoft After Hours takes a look at the Xcortech X3200 Mk3 Chrono if it is good enough for their use... "We purchased a new chronograph, the Xcortech X3200 MK3. We currently don't own any other chronographs, so we can't tell you how good this unit is compared to competing units.

We paid 58 USD for this chronograph.

BB2K Airsoft: WOSPORT WST-X01 Chronograph Bluetooth App


WoSport also got a Chrono that you can connect to a mobile app via bluetooth. Bruce of BB2K Airsoft tells more about the Wosport WST-X01... "Today I show you a really brilliant chrono that I personally do not want to miss anymore. The WoSport WST-X01 chronograph can be paired with the smartphone (Iphone or IOS and Android) via Bluetooth. With the app you can comfortably adjust the chrono, read off the values, analyze the data of the fired shots and record the whole if necessary.

AceTech AC6000 Chrono Quick Look


A quick look video from Airsoft Megastore showing the AceTech AC6000 Chronograph and it is in stock at their online store... "No matter what game you play or loadout you carry, a quality Chrono is invaluable to any airsofter’s arsenal. The AceTech AC6000 comes with features like a backlit display, customizable settings, and an extra-wide tube to make your gun-tuning experience as smooth as possible."

BB2K Airsoft: Acetech AC5000 Chrono Review


Whilst the the AC5000 is the little brother of the AC600 chrono, are there differences between these two products from Acetech? BB2K Airsoft reviews this for you to find out... "The AC5000 is the little brother of ACETECH's AC6000. This chronograph does not need to hide but offers almost everything the AC6000 can. It  measures the energy (Joule, FPS, m/s) and the rate of fire ROF (RPM, RPS).

BB2K Airsoft Acetech AC6000 Chrono


BB2K Airsoft's Bruce does a more comprehensive video review on the Acetech AC6000 Chrono... "Today I introduce to you the Acetech AC6000 Chrono, which has everything on board to measure the energy (Joule, FPS, m / s), the Rate of Fire ROF (RPM, RPS). The MAX, MIN and AVG values for FPS and ROF are displayed and the last 25 shots are saved. Up to 5 BB types can be stored, which you use more often. So caliber 4.5mm, 6mm, 8mm, 17.3mm (.68 Rubberballs) pose no problem.

USAirsoft On The Acetech AC6000


USAirsoft reviews his new Chrono, the Acetech A600. This can measure from 90fps up to 1,200fps and ROF range from 100-6000 RPM. It has an OLED screen for readouts, a large tube, and can be mounted on a tripod.... "My New Chronograph and Yes, I Recommend it. - Acetech AC6000."

XCORTECH Chronos Back At Firesupport


Firesupport sends in news that they got the Xcortech Chronos in stock again including the X3300W MK2 Chrono and Tracer Unit, the X3200-MK3, and the new Xcortech X3500 Chronograph. Check them out in the link they provided... "XCORTECH Chronos back in stock:

X3300W MK2 Advance BB Control System with Ultra Bright UV Light Tracer Unit £99.00.

Gun Gamers: Why You Should Own A Chrono


In any serious airsoft player's list of guns, gear and kit, there is something that is important but is often left off --- the chrono. Some rely on the poor man's chrono using a Coke can, or just wing it with the airsoft field's chrono, hoping their guns meet the site's fps limits. Gun Gamers recommend in owning one, especially that there are cheaper and accurate chronos available nowadays.

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