I Am Airsoft: Stewbacca's Airsoft Gun Collection


I Am Airsoft is back with our buddy, Stewbacca, as he talks about his big airsoft gun collection on his wall... "Stewbacca introduces all the items homed on his new gun wall in Taipei - his sixth iteration of such thing since he started airsofting - the largest and most complicated version yet to keep all his guns in order.

BadaBingPictures: Airsoft Gun Collection


With 5,000 subs to his Channel, BadaBingPictures does a special by showing his airsoft gun collection... "Thank you to everyone that have joined me by hitting that subscribe button. Also a huge thank you to those of you that have supported this channel by sending me products to look at, review and enjoy.

The BB Warrior's Airsoft Gun Collection


It's the turn of The BB Warrior to show his airsoft gun collection. If you are an airosft YouTuber, it looks like it is mandatory for you to show your gun collection (Popular Airsoft is exempted) so that your viewers will evaluate if you are really serious with airsoft. Or perhaps when you run out of topics to put on your next video. Enjoy! ;)

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