ESS Profile Airsoft Strafed with a Strafer


The ultimate test of a protective eyewear for airsoft is to abuse it with a lot of BBs. Tim Ellwood highly recommends using the ESS Profile Airsoft with Cortex Clip as it will take a lot of punishment and still would give you that protection that you need. To prove his point, he didn't use not just any AEG but the Strafer beast that spits out 175 bbs at 350 fps and used .25g bbs to even make matters worse.

Tim Recommends Beat Down Boogie


That's a revelation, Tim Ellwood reveals in his blog that he has worked for the film industry below. He notices that use of more and more airsoft guns in some indie movies as these are more affordable and with some software, you can make some effects without the need of movie props using blank firing weapons. In this case, he recommends Beat Down Boogie with their parody of Modern War Gear Solid, which have been giving us the laughs with their episodes.

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