
We Are All In This Together

Gungho Cowboy

As airsoft players, we also would like our sport spread out as wide as possible, as far as possible, and have as many players as possible. If we are passionate about airsoft, then even in our own small way, we help promote the sport, wherever, whenever. Airsoft businesses rely on our continued patronage so they can keep on developing new products, and able to employ people to come out with even better products and services. Any attempt to hinder our sport by shortsighted legislation or policies we shall oppose and work with authorities to ensure that our sport is legal and at the same time played by mature and responsible players.

California SB798 is a landmark issue for all airsoft players, not only in the US, but worldwide. If you think that since you are not based in California, and you can play airsoft in your locality, California has big impact in airsoft around the world by the following facts:

  1. California is the 8th largest economy in the world, if it is treated as a country.
  2. California is the 35th most populous place in the world, if is treated as a country. It has a large airsoft playing population.
  3. The California airsoft industry generates US$150 million in revenues. Any loss in revenues will impact the airsoft industry worldwide, as manufacturers get lesser revenues. US$150 million is no joke. It is much larger than what the UK airsoft industry generates in a year.
  4. With its budget problems, any loss in revenue when airsoft companies shut down or move operations elsewhere would lead to lost taxes for California.

We lose California, and it leaves a huge gaping hole in airsoft. It is not something that can be taken for granted, as there are somethings at stake too: People get unemployed; potential taxes lost; and a vibrant community gone.

As we always say, what can happen in one place can happen in another. In a very interconnected world facilitated by the internet, it is even truer. If airsoft, as it is, gets banned in California, what's not stopping other countries and states from doing the same?

So what do we at Popular Airsoft are trying to share to you? It is simple: we all have to oppose SB798 from wherever we are. As airsoft players, we do have an good a motivation to help the airsoft communities around the world further promote the sport. As we say, the more, the merrier.

The California airsoft industry and community need your help now. Your airsoft national association, your airsoft team, other airsoft retailers, and skirmish sites can help by writing an email, a statement, or letter of support. You can send these to the Airsoft Safety Foundation.

Individuals in the United States can either send their concern to Pyramyd Air Online Petition or at Change.org's "Say NO to California State SB 798 - The Anti-airsoft Bill" Petition Page.

Translate the issue to your own language for airsoft players in your country to understand this.

The hearing on SB798 will be on the 21st of June. If you can send your letters or statements of support before that, it will then be relayed to the state legislators.

It is time that the global airsoft community rally around the California airsoft.

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