
Want To Have An Advantage In CQB Games? Get This


We all know that CQB games are a bitch as surprises happen all the time. You don't know if someone's waiting for you with a pointed airsoft gun at a corner, or someone would just jump in a pepper with you BBs from behind, and you don't exactly know where the OPFOR in the rooms that you need to clear. You want  to clear the area quick and easy, but you know it won't be.

What if you get to use a gadget that will help you clear rooms in a very fast manner and you don't need to enter all the rooms just to find the opposing force? I'm sure most of you will say "Gimme! Gimme!"

If you're thinking of a heartbeat monitor like in Rainbox Six or even Call of Duty Modern Warfare. How we all wish that technology is available but here's one that we can live with: handheld radar systems. And that's what Camero (or Camero-Tech Ltd.) offers. Camero is a company of the SK Group, which in turn is the holding company that owns Israeli companies in the defense and technology industries, including IWI.

Camero is a world leading provider and pioneer of See-Through-The-Wall (STW) Handheld Radar Systems and it has three STW products under the XAVER line. Depending on your needs, they have the XAVER 100, XAVER 400, and XAVER 800 that allow you to detect people behind walls at different distances, and even know the layout of the room to creating a 3D version for quick tactical planning before conducting room clearing.

Problem is, we don't know how much these costs and most probably be sold only to Military and Law Enforcement organizations and not to civilians for now. Apart from its primary tactical purposes, it can also be used for search and rescue, leading to fewer or no casualties in situations that first responders find themselves in.

It's just wishful thinking, having one of these gadgets, especially when we think of having the tactical advantage in close quarters combat. But if one of these, or an equivalent, becomes available for the civilian market and it's affordable, it's a very tempting gadget to buy that you can use not only for CQB games, but also for situations in which you can use to help others in natural disasters.

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