
When Everything Else Fails, Go "Slingsoft"

Gungho Cowboy

Why not? When your AEG ran out of batteries, your gas magazines have also expelled the remaining gas they can, and your target can still take potshots at you, what are you going to do? Even if you carry that dummy knife, you're still too far from crawling up from behind. So why not use a slingshot instead and use it to fire BBs at him or her? That way, you can still put up a fight, keep your hunter at bay and be able to retreat back to where you can have fresh batteries or a fill up your gas magazines.

Slingshots have been used since man found out that they can kill each other with clubs and deciding that you can hit someone from afar, decided to use stones with their hands, and then animal leather was used to fling stones at a farther distance. From there swords, bows and arrows, catapults, muskets, rifles, canons, and now missiles have evolved from the wood and stone of yore. Even the Palestinians use slingshots against IDF soldiers brandishing Galils and Tavors.

Whilst we have all been obsessed with range and FPS with our airsoft guns, we always realise that even with all the upgrades we have put into these, they will always fail and fail when they matter.  Just imagine this poor airsoft player in the video, wearing no shirt, with a malfunctioning airsoft pistol, and pinned down. All those time he wasted trying to make his M93R to work, he could have just had a slingshot beside him and started firing back with the BBs taken from the mags. It would still be a losing battle against the more high-tech airsoft guns, but he could've hit one or two before going down in a blaze of glory from the hail of BBs.

I'd rather have a slingshot that take a springer pistol as my final backup and just grab bbs to fire a "burst" and pray that one of the BBs in that batch hit its mark. One can easily make his or her own slingshot so it's very inexpensive to own. No gas, no bbs, just wood, rubber and leather.

But if you want to spend money on a better made slingshot, then no one's stopping you. One is this Montie Gear Y-Shot Slingshot which is ready for hunting using ball bearings. It has a 16-pound pull and the grip wrapped with paracord. The Y-frame itself is made of aluminium. Though test the velocity of .20g 6mm BBs if it will meet safety limits. As always, minimum distance rules should also be put into considetration.

If that's not enough for you, then go something for more tactical looking such as this Bone Collector - Sport Slingshot with Laser and Light from Aftermath Airsoft. That's right from a company that sells airsoft guns on behalf of GAMO outdoors. It comes with a taclight, laser sight, and a pistol grip that it won't look out of place with your guns and gear. Huntinglife.com finds it fun and accurate to use, so this might be really good to use for skirmishes.

Already convinced? There lots of benefits of using a slingshot as your backup weapon during airsoft skirmishes when everything else fails. It may not let you win games or bring enough firepower. But when you need something to shoot back when your pistol and rifle are useless, then the slingshot will be that important. Now, if someone can make proper slingshots that can hold plastic 6mm BBs, then you might call it "Slingsoft."

Just remember the story of David and Goliath. That'll be enough to make you want to include a slingshot in your airsoft shopping list.

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