
Bluestone 42: The Hurt Locker, British Comedy Style

Gungho Cowboy

I have been waiting for a show similar to M*A*S*H*, a movie and TV series set in the Korean War, and as far as I am concerned there is none that has followed its tradition, of being able to provide laughter in a war setting.

School Seizes Camera of The Cosby Show Star's Son For Airsoft Gun Photo


Optimus Prime saw a tweet from Thumpy's 3-D House of Airsoft and told me, nay ordered me, to check it out.

Wired.com: "The AR-15 Is More Than a Gun. It’s a Gadget"


This story at Wired.com's Danger Room: "The AR-15 Is More Than a Gun. It’s a Gadget" caught my attention and of course curiosity to what this story is all about.

Two More Medic Rules To Choose From

Gungho Cowboy

You're a game organiser who wants to have a variety of rules depending on the type of games you want to organise. Medic, hit and respawn rules are some of the more tenuous rules which a lot of players want to clarify and also sometimes ignore just to stay in the game.

Rip-Offs Taking Money Away From Canadian Charity

Gungho Cowboy

A reader of ours pointed to this article at Soldier Systems "Copies Cost Canadian Charity" about the products from Canadian Tactical Gear website, 2 Cent Tactical, being copied and sold in the market without

Ares Airsoft Has A Trick Up Its Sleeve


While it seems that most of the energy for airsoft innovation is being devoted to gas blowback in the recent years, we thought that the AEG has already reached the pinnacle of innovation with  the recoil and blowback series that were introduced by Tokyo Marui and followed by a few others.

How Would You Call This? A SARRP Or A DERRRP?


Slowly circulating around the interwebs and getting attention of airsofters and gun bloggers alike is this AR-15 holster called the Special Application Rifle Retention Platform (SARRP) which is quite a mouthful to pronounce and it's better to call it as an SBR Holster.

How Much Is Too Much?


On the big screen our heroes and bad guys never run out of ammo. We're kind of used to that fact now and only movie geeks (I'm not one) count how many shots were fired out of a magazine. We're not even raising our eyebrows seeing that guns only jam or run out bullets when our hero is held at gunpoint.

Former Operators Help Protect The Rhinos In "Rhino Wars"


It may not be the most glamorous of missions that any special operations guy will take, but these former operators from the U.S. Navy SEALs and Green Berets are taking up a mission that will help make the Rhinos survive, rather than be wiped out from the face of the earth due to human greed.

MIT & U.S. Army Want Uniforms With Microfibre Sensors

Gungho Cowboy

Stuff of Science Fiction? Not at all with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) on the case with the U.S. Army. MIT, one of the top educational institutions in the world was selected by the U.S. Army to put up the Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies (ISN) with an initial funding of US$50 million.

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